In view of the forthcoming awards ceremony of Nigerian Students Poetry Prize in University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Poets in Nigeria (PIN) calls for submissions of poems from secondary school students resident in Enugu. This call pioneers the 2nd category of Nigerian Students Poetry Prize (NSPP) dedicated to the promotion of poetry writing among secondary school students in Nigeria.
1st Prize – ₦50,000
2nd Prize – ₦30,000
3rd Prize – ₦20,000
- Top 50 entrants will be jointly published in an electronically distributed anthology.
Submission Guidelines
Ø Open to secondary school students resident in Enugu.
Ø Entries must be previously unpublished in both electronic and paperback formats.
Ø Poems must be original, intellectual property of the entrants.
Ø There are no fixed themes.
Ø An entrant is entitled to a single entry of limitless word count.
Ø Applying for the prize gives PIN automatic right to use entries as deemed appropriate.
Ø Poets must be written in English. Native terminologies should be translated.
Ø Entries should be forwarded to [email protected] alongside name, age, gender, class, name of school and contact details (phone number and address).
Ø Entrants should subscribe for regular updates.
For enquiries on sponsorship and participation, contact the moderator – 07030991464.
Chinemerem Mary Anyi
Moderator, NSPP 2017 (Category B)
I school in Enugu but live in anambara can I still submit
Yes, you can!
Please when will the result for this category be released? Thanks.