In a world of tasteless language and prostituted expressions

Malaphors are good friends of writers

Natural flow of words is blocked

To create Frankenstein monstrosities.


I have seen ingenuity in a well-packaged excrement

I have seen the beauty of ugliness celebrated in the media


So why not raise our Champagne glasses to drink to the health of malaphors

And applaud the creativity of disjointed bones?


It is an elephantine task to join unconnected ideas

There is also brilliance in eating wine and drinking bread

Pure intelligence in spilling the beans to spoil the child

Since a genius finds natural order in chaos!


But must precious energy be spent in emptying an ocean to create another?

What gain accrues from marrying ideas that are safer as singles?

What is the profit from killing creative expressions to bring forth monsters?

Where is human ingenuity where gold is thrown into a pit of garbage?



Century after century

Pastors with fiery evangelical zeal

Businessmen and administrators

Races of all sizes and dispositions

Fought over my body and soul.


They seduced me

They bribed me

They abused me

They robbed me

And they raped me.


For sixty years or more

I struggled for my escape

Free from tangled hands and legs

Free from poisoned drinks and books

Free from poisoned kisses.


I struggled out of their Grendel-grip

Hands decked with sours

Legs shaking with fear and hate

Brain brimming o’er with rattling thoughts

Head to foot all dirt and blood!


Still not long afterwards another fellow invaded me

He came with words “freedom”, ” democracy”, ” human rights”

His words fired my soul soaked in religion

He lured me to his white-painted home

And he raped me!


I escaped or so I thought

And now a huge fellow from the East

He does not smile

Or he cannot smile

Or his culture abhors smiling.


He comes with renminbi

He builds bridges

He builds schools

He gives me baijiu

He presses his body against my fragile body


Is he raping me?

I am confused:

Am I being raped or not?




You cried and I cried

You yawned and I yawned

You laughed and I laughed

You clapped and I clapped

This is ecophenomena!


But why do I echo your actions?

Why does the oak tree of my identity bend?

Why does my tummy rumble when yours drums?

Did we eat the same primordial soup at the night of creation?

Are we the fruit of the same semen

and ova from a forgotten primordial intercourse?


Now I see why dictators triumph

Now I guess why fanatics are applauded

Now I understand mass suicide

Now I see the roots of human bonding

This is ecophenomena!


Social media experts and users understand it

Politicians build their empire on it

Pastors and fiery preachers know its power

Orators aim their love arrows at its heart

This is ecophenomena!


As scientists tumble over heaps of research

Let me say this: we are held inescapably by the hands of ecophenomena!


Christian Anieke

Very Rev. Fr. Prof. Christian Anieke, born 1st October 1965, is a Nigerian Roman Catholic priest and Vice Chancellor of Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu, Nigeria. Ordained a priest in 2000, Christian is a professor of English Language and Studies. He became the founding Vice Chancellor of Godfrey Okoye University, an institution owned by the Catholic Diocese of Enugu in Nigeria, in 2009.

Christian Anieke’s studies and research in Philosophy, Biblical Theology, English and American Studies and English Language has seen him study in Urban University, Rome; the University of Innsbruck, Austria; Bath Language School, Stratford-upon-Avon; Oxford University; and the University of Muenster. He has a B.Sc. in Education and English from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. At the University of Innsbruck, he graduated summa cum laude from his doctorate program in English and from both of his masters programs in Philosophy and Theology.

He is the author of Chinua Achebe’s Trilogy: A Study in Bicultural Communication (2014), Intercultural Problems of Communication: The (Re) Presentation of the Igbo People and Their Culture in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, Arrow of God and No Longer at Ease (2005), Hybrid Formations in English (2002), The Symbol of the Dove at the Baptism of Christ (2000), and Metaphysics as a Natural Disposition in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1994); and co-author of Frontiers in Education: Advances, Issues and Perspectives (2015), Stories of Peace (2011), Njem Goliver Jere, an Igbo translation of Gulliver’s Travels (2009), and A Dictionary of German, English and Igbo (2008).

A native of Ezeagu, Enugu State, Nigeria, and an honorary citizen of Mitterikirchen, Austria, he holds the chieftaincy title: the Ezeudo Gburu Gburu of Umumba Ndiagu, Enugu State, Nigeria.


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